Skilled Team of Creators
Our dedicated team members are highly skilled and experienced in delivering end-to-end IA solutions tailored to meet our client’s specific business needs. With a customer-centric approach, our team is committed to ensuring exceptional service and support to help our clients achieve their automation goals
Our Team
Our Professionals
Ne summo dictas pertinacia nam. Illum cetero vocent ei vim, case regione signiferumque vim te.
Work process
This is How We Streamline
Our Design Workflow
Process Discovery
We offer personalized solutions with one to one Business Analysis in detail about the process to be automated. We make sure the process selected is right fit for Automation and calculate ROI benefits.
Design and Build
Once the requirements are listed in a PDD (Process Definition Document ) we start the Solution design and start Developing the Automation.
Testing & Deployment
We make sure the process developed is tested end to end with various kinds of QA Testing followed by UAT sign off from Client and Production Deployment Hypercare.
Operate & Support
Once the process stabilises we move the BOT to Operate Mode where in we can support the process within SLA.
What Our Client’s Say
Thanks to Leapia we were able to automate our customer service processes and improve response time. The team was professional, knowledgeable and responsive, and we are very happy with the results. We highly recommend Leapia.ai to any business looking to improve their customer service through automation.
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Ad nec unum copiosae. Sea ex everti labores, ad option iuvaret qui. Id quo esse nusquam. Eam iriure diceret oporteat.